
Budget Chess Sets 40-Pack (up to 80 players) on Sale Coupon From The Real Masters Of Chess


Steal This Deal! Our Budget Chess Set Packages for up to 80 players will equip your chess club with the basic chess sets and boards you need while keeping the cost down. We recommend the forest green chessboards as the best for studentsas this color improves concentration and is easy on the eyes. NOTE: Please inquire for other colors of boards and bags if green will not work. Specifications: Forty(40) of the E034 chessboards that can be rolled up or laid flat for storage.Forty(40) of the E104A regulation size chess set pieces composed of solid plasticblack and ivory chess set pieces with green paper-thin felt basessuitable for all chess clubsschoolsand chess instruction.TIP: Be sure to roll up the chessboards with the chess board squares facing outward. This ensures that the board will lay flat laterwhen in use. Optional: Forty(40) of the E116 chess bags that are great for keeping your club's pieces separate and safe.To keep the chess pieces from getting lost or mixedwe recommend selecting the optional quick and convenient drawstring chess bags. Chess House The Real Masters of Chess

Steal This Deal! Our Budget Chess Set Packages for up to 80 players will equip your chess club with the basic chess sets and boards you need while keeping the cost down. We recommend the forest green chessboards as the best for studentsas this color improves concentration and is easy on the eyes. NOTE: Please inquire for other colors of boards and bags if green will not work. Specifications: Forty(40) of the E034 chessboards that can be rolled up or laid flat for storage.Forty(40) of the E104A regulation size chess set pieces composed of solid plasticblack and ivory chess set pieces with green paper-thin felt basessuitable for all chess clubsschoolsand chess instruction.TIP: Be sure to roll up the chessboards with the chess board squares facing outward. This ensures that the board will lay flat laterwhen in use. Optional: Forty(40) of the E116 chess bags that are great for keeping your club’s pieces separate and safe.To keep the chess pieces from getting lost or mixedwe recommend selecting the optional quick and convenient drawstring chess bags.

Budget Chess Sets 40-Pack (up to 80 players) on Sale Coupon From The Real Masters Of Chess
Budget Chess Sets 40-Pack (up to 80 players) on Sale Coupon From The Real Masters Of Chess
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